martes, 1 de marzo de 2016


Objective: kids will show comprehension of text by illustrating a similar situation lived.

Curricular area: Language arts - Written language.

Develop skills: Utiliza textos diversos en actividades guiadas o por iniciativa propia, e identifica para qué sirven. (SEP)

Learnig outcomes: Expresa sus ideas acerca del contenido de un texto cuya lectura escuchará, a partir de un título, las imágenes o palabras que reconoce. (SEP)

Final product: A video that contains kid's ideas or connections made. 

1.Visit and read the title.
2. Watch the illustrations (you may pause the video until you are ready to continue).
3. What do you think the text will be about?
4. Read the text or ask somebody to read the text for you and listen.
5. Draw four pictures that retell some similar experience that you lived before.
6. Film your drawings and explain what's going on.
7. Post your video in Facebook and tag your teacher.

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