martes, 1 de marzo de 2016


Objective: Kids will be able to sort a given set of familiar objects using a single attribute.

Curricular area: Mathematical thinking - shape form and space.
Developing skills: Sorts a given set of familiar 3-D objects using a single attribute, such as size or shape. (PLO'S)

Final product: Three pictures of different set of objects, sorted by a single attribute (shape, size, color, etc.)

1. Look at the pictures below:

Sorting by colors:

Sorting by shape:

Sorting by size:

2. Get the next app Sorting Colors & Shapes HD Lite Free - Children's educational games for kids and toddlers by Andrey Minkov so you can practice sorting.

3. Make three different sets of toys, sorted using a different attribute each time.

4. Take a picture of each set and label the attribute used.

5. Post your pictures as a comment in this blog entrance, or on Facebook tagging your teacher. Remember to sign your post.

2 comentarios:

  1. Alexa Quiroz hizo su tarea con sus juguetes, en una foto sorting by shape, sorting by color and sorting by sabemos como subir las fotos Miss Cinthya

  2. Thank you Mr. Quiroz and Alexa, maybe you'll find much easier upload the pictures on my Facebook profile.

    Best regards,

    Miss Cynthia.
