lunes, 14 de marzo de 2016



Objective: Kids use "need" and "have" as they talk about an animal.

Curricular areas:
Language arts-written language: Uses words from their oral vocabulary, personal word list and class lists.
Science: Describes de basic needs of local plants and animals.
Visual arts-Creating/Communicating: Uses feelings, observation, memory and imagination as sources for images.

Learning outcomes: Kids use vocabulary knowledge to talk about animals. Kids describe animals needs. Kids take turns to share ideas. Kids use imagination as source for images during drawing an animal.

Final product: An animal mobile.

DAILY ROUTINE: Brain fitness. Skip count by 2's using counters or tokens (20 minutes).

1. Draw your favorite animal on a sheet of paper.
2. Use two cards to write "have" and "need" on each one.
3. On a different sheet of paper write what your animal "have".
4. Write what your animal "need" on a different sheet of paper.
5. Use yarn to attach the cards and the sheets of paper to the drawing.

Mission accomplished if you follow all steps and show your work with the class speaking English.
You almost have it if you do all but still speaking Spanish.
You are developing habilitated if you copied someone else's  work.
You need help if you couldn't complete your mission.

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